The world of me... sunshine!

Thursday, April 29, 2004


I can never think of anything good to label my blog days. Hmm...

Well the track meet today went fairly well. I had to race against this girl in the relay, and I swear her legs were like twice as long as mine. I tried so hard to keep up with her, but she ended up beating me.... sad. My 800 went better though. I got 2nd place and I'm pretty happy about that, although my times are staying the same. I have been working hard, and I want them to drop like crazy because i'm impatient!!! hahah but its ok! Poor elbow had one of her heart thingies, and that just makes me sad because I thought it was going to go away, but it didn't. I love you elbow (except for when you shout out names to embarasse me!!hahaa)!!OH and by the way... I had a 3 timer today at the meet... if you know what that means, then well you understand my pain! HAHAHA

Ah well I can't think of anything else right now. I am going to go for the 4th time right now so I really must leave. Can't wait for sunday!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Hey now, hey now... don't dream its over!

Well my paper is due Monday... it was pushed back so I'm really excited about that. Now I am not as stressed out and feeling like I have to time crunch things, so its very good. I am still very worn out from prom... holy smokes!!! I just feel like jello the whole week! Its very strange. BUt the good thing is, my grades are getting good again, and I'm not failing any class... two thumbs up for me!! I also really can't wait for the Free cession... it should be a whole lot of fun. I'm just looking forward to it... hehehehehehehe. This is a short one, but I really need to get my sleep for tomorrow's meet! see yaz!


Monday, April 26, 2004

I'm not givin up, not givin up, I'm not givin up now!!

Wow, I haven't written in a while, sorry Nate! Well prom was awesome!!!! I had so much fun with elbow... we stayed out real late, and we are definilty paying up for it today. Track was so hard, I felt like I was going to fall asleep running... even through a really hard workout! It wasn't good... the feeling of passing out, throwin up came to me... so I realized that I need so much more sleep! haha.

We filmed a little video today. That was fun stuff. And I heard that Big d is going to arrive! That's very exciting... i think. Yes it is. Ah I don't know. It must be if I am talking about it. Who knows... hahaha... hmmm.... someone must know what i'm thinking, I sure don't!!

Ah well I am contemplating whether to do some more homework or go to bed. I have a lot of stuff to do this week, but I also need my sleep. I think i'm going to go to bed.. so I can race good tomorrow hopefully. Well later!!!

KATIE (that's for you willis!)

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Prom Day!

Yeah, like ellen says it is PROM DAY. I just got my hair done, and it's very big, but I like it. I saw ellen there too, and I really like hers!! BUt yeah, I don't feel very good, and I really haven't all day, so i'm kinda worried. My head hurts a lot and i'm just way tired so I do wonder how long I am going to last. Hopefully everything gets better!! Later!

Friday, April 23, 2004

Catchin up!

Hey everyone. It's been a while hasn't it? Or not... I can't remember. Well I am going to recap the past few days:

I think i'm going to start with Thursday. I had a track meet, and I felt like a big lump of poop before I had to run and I was nervous and stuff. I ended up doing good, my relay team did end up winning by a landslide, and I got 2nd place in my mile. I was excited because I got my best time this year in the mile, so that was good news! My family came to the meet which was awesome, and I could hear my brother screaming for me in the stands telling me to go faster... hahhahaha.... I gave him a goofy look, but I liked it a lot. Hey Nate.. thanks for coming!!! Hopefully you didn't get too pooped out watching us hehe. But yeah, I got home and my computer was all messed up and I was angry. Stupid virus.

Now to Friday, which is today. Apparently I didn't have too much catching up to do! School was the same old stuff, but it was a very easy day. I haven't had any homework all week so its been great!! Then it was track practice and we had pictures. I had to go on a run with the distance team with Jess leading, and boy she kinda buggs everyone. I had to do a #2 like eversince I started running so we got real far out (because jess is dumb like that and she goes forever and a half away from any bathrooms) and I was going to do my pants. Once it was ok to find a place to go, I ran soo fast over to the bathrooms and made it... thank goodness! Anyways, enough about the poop talk. You should of just skipped this paragraph!

We had our state band festival tonight and it went very good. We got all 1's and the sight reading judge didn't have anything bad to say to us, so it was totally rockin! Mr Maynard got a little emotional afterwords and it was real sad because his mom is real sick and he hasn't even been at school, so its kinda scary and we all feel bad about it.

Yep, that's about it. I have prom tomorrow and i'm pretty excited. I got my fake tan on my swimsuit lines, and it is looking so good. I am way excited about that. Me and elbow (my date!) will have to fill you all in on what happends. BYE!!!!


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Oh goodness!

I was looking back at my past blogs, and boy, those are embarrassing. Please don't look back on them. I got so worked up in stupid little things. Yeesh!

This blog today is kinda on a more personal note. I think that is the right word use, but i'm really not sure!! Anyways, I feel like i'm kinda in a rut. I am not being the person that I really could be and I know it. I guess I am just daring myself to move. I need to do it... what i'm doing now i'm not really sure, but tomorrow, I will be doing something different. I am going to move....

Welcome to the planet, welcome to existence
Everyone's here, Everyone's here.
Everybody's watching you now.
Everybody waits for you now.

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before...

Welcome to the fall out, welcome to resistance
The tension is here, the tension is here
Between who you are, and who you could be
Between how it is, and how it should be.

Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself
Where you gonna, where you gonna go...
Salvation is here

Yeah, Switchfoot rocks!


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

A P.R. finally!!

Well I am way excited and way tired out. I got my personal record today in track and I am very happy. I tried real hard and it paid off. Its just quite exciting. Yeah but i'm so tired, and I feel like I can't think straight. My back still hurts, it is strained so it kinda sucks! But it will be a-ok! I am going to bed... before I fall asleep here


Oh by the way... my teacher was talking to this girl named Catrina, and I thought he was talking to me. I almost answered him hahaha

Monday, April 19, 2004

You are more beautiful... than anyone... EVER!

Hey everyone! Today was kinda a disappointer. I had to take the meaps in the morning and I don't think I did very good on the writing... arg! I am kinda bummed out because I got a bad grade on my Euro test. It is lower than my usual D... so yes. Not good! Then I went to track and all, and now my back hurts a ton. It kinda stings at moments, just a little frusterating! But now I am done venting. I have these real bad tan lines from my suit, and I am trying to get rid of them for prom, so I bought some Sunless tanning lotion, because I really don't want to go to the "cancer place" as Anneke calls it haha. So we will have to see if it works!! BUt you know, its time for bed for mee. I have a track meet tomorrow, so I need to be well rested! Good night!


Sunday, April 18, 2004


This is not a letter to dontrell, the blogger, its just that I like the name dontrell. HA Just kidding. I felt like messin around with you buddy...

Anyways. Today was an awesome day. I got to go to kohls with my mom. That was fun, and I got some stuff. I think the best part of my day though was when I was with cession. I really enjoy being with them, they are all awesome people. I haven't seen them in like 3 weeks so it was kinda crazy!!! We got our shirts today and that was cool! And we talked about our free:cession thing which is in 2 weeks, and I'm really pumped about it. Me and AJ and Greg were all talking about it, and thinking about who we would invite, and they are really excited about it also. SO yes! Shall be rockin it!!! Hey nate... How did big D do in basketball?! hahaha that was a good one!

It was a beautiful letdown
When You found me here
Yeah, for once in a rare blue moon
I see everything clear
I'll be a beautiful letdown
That's what I'll forever be
And though it may cost my soul
I'll sing for free

Yeah Switchfoot rocks,

Saturday, April 17, 2004

There has never ever been anyone like you!

That is a great song by David Crowder Band!! I got to borrow the CD from Elbow today and copy it. It is exciting!

Today we had our track meet, and I really wasn't looking forward to it! I thought it was going to be really crappy out all day, but it turned out to be kinda hot and sunny! The only bad thing about that is I got kinda a sock tan eventhough I tried to avoid it with sunscreen. I can't get too many more tan lines before prom.

AHH yes Prom! Well I have a date!!! Me and Elbow are going and we are gonna be lookin sexy. hehe. I am very excited to be going with her, and I know we will have a ton of fun!

Back to track! Jess beat me today and I was very angry about that. I can't handle her beating me, it just makes me mad. I don't really know why. Anyways, my back is feeling a little better... AJ gave me a wonderful backrub today and he said I had a ton of knots in it! Well its no wonder why its been hurtin!! hahaha Speaking of hurt, my mom is still "handicapped" and she is going insane along with my dad and me. They are all crabby... actually my whole house is crabby and I hate it. Everyone is always snapping and urghh crabby people suck. Including me!

Hmm what else is new. I have been quite busy with track and all of my homework I've had to do the past week so I kinda haven't had time for much else. I got my friend Greg back this week and it feels good to have him being nice, which is what he is capable of being! That's about it on that subject... he's quite a strange kid, but i'd consider him a friend for sure.

Now I'm really happy because the David Crowder Cd is almost done copying. I have a new love for him... and well nate... I like Josh Groban too. =) Strange I know... but he's awesome!!! And just a note for anyone who would get this: Tight pants are very VERY nice!! hahaha its time for me to play some cards and go to bed! Love you good night!


Friday, April 16, 2004

hm hm

AHhhh my back kills. My spine is out of align in between my shoulders and its causing me some pain at the moment! Yeah I want to go to the Chiropractor!!! but I can't =( The track meet went well yesterday! THe only downside was that Jess beat me, and it was all because she was using me basically the whole way. So I am angry and i'm planning on getting revenge on her the next meet. WEll I really must get to bed, I have a meet tomorrow... all day. ICK. But I will see you later


Wednesday, April 14, 2004

One more thing!

My shorts are the color of the background!!


Hm.. I really like the color orange. I got these cool new running shorts that I got to wear today (along with my lime green teeshirt!) because it was nice and warm out. I think the shorts made me feel fast. I like orange.

Well kids, today was a much better day than yesterday. I don't feel very stressed out anymore. I have a track meet tomorrow and i'm kinda nervous about it, but I know that I will try my best and hope we win... because like elbow said, our coach might kill us if we don't. I am running in 4 events which is really insane. I have never ran that many in a track meet ever before in my life. I have the 4x800 relay, the mile, the 800, and then a JV 4x400. Wish me and elbow luck!!

OH another good thing! I got home and Greg started to talk online to me... and usually he's just kinda a butthead, but today he was really nice to me. It just kinda made me in a better mood. He told me that I crack him up all the time and that i'm just really funny! He was in a good mood, and that just was good. At first I didn't even think I was talking to the right person hahaha. BUt it was a nice change for him to be nice to me for once... afterall I give him rides to school everyday..... hahaha. Out of the goodness of my heart right!! hehe ;)

I must get going! I still haven't done much of my homework. I have been working on my paper due on friday that has to be 3 pages long. Yeah I just started writing it tonight, but i'm pretty far, so I think it will be ok. If not, it will be a long night tomorrow night after my meet! Have a good one!!!


Monday, April 12, 2004

Too Much!

I have been real busy the past few days. My brother came home Saturday night, and then we all went to the relatives house for easter, and it was nice to see them all again. I have a HUGE family.

Now its back to school. I am loaded to the max with projects, papers, and homework... and not to mention track after school. It's only monday and I'm so exhausted! I did really good today at track though, I beat everyone in the 400 from the distance team, and that's like NEVER happened before, so I was real excited. But I really need to head to bed. My body is killing me, i'm in desperate need of a back massage.. its all knots!!! And like i said, i'm soo POOPED. Hopefully everything is going well with the rest of ya!! Later Gator!!


Friday, April 09, 2004

Running... can do you harm!


I usually don't say this, but today just sucked. It was all because I felt like a big pile of CRAP, and there are other "inapproaite" (spelling??) words to explain just how I felt haha. It probably all started after my run today with my assistant coach... I think I pushed myself WAY too hard becuase ever since then i've felt real dizzy, sick, and have had a killer headache/migrane. I was going to go shopping today, but I felt just sick, so me and my mom stayed home and took naps. She is feeling a little sleepy these days which is unusual for her, but she is still kinda sick. Well, that was my day... I laid on the couch all day long, just feelin crappy! I finally was able to get up though and play some games on here, my head feels good enough to sit up! So that's what i'm doing, and i'm thinking about doing some Chemistry for some reason, I have a large amount of concentration from doing nothing all day, so why not use it. If you go running though, just make sure you don't make yourself sick!!! haha I am feeling better though, and I think my mother is too, big plus! Catch ya later with a bug net!


Thursday, April 08, 2004

Thinkin Thursday?

Ok, so the whole Spider Solitare thing didn't last long. I did increase my winning percentage though! High five to that one!! I ended up watching home video's in my basement. They were pretty funny! I was 5 in them, had a mullet (!!!!), yeah pretty weird kid! My brother was always teaching me how to be cool, showing me how to wear my backpack, how to fish... all that good stuff. My sister was always videotaping me dancing or singing... we apparently made tv shows hahaha. Yeah those video's are always priceless!!

Also today, I was kinda told that I should stick up for myself and have more confidence. Apparently I think that a lot of things are my fault, especially problems I have with friends... so hmm. I think I will try this maybe. But its no biggie.

My babysitting went very good these past few days! I had to watch my cousin's kids... and they are 1 & 2, so I was kinda iffy on that, but they were very good! I also got to see my aunt, who came with my cousin to pick up the kids! She stayed in the car... but DANG! It was awesome to see her!!!!!!! Since I babysat I actually have money, but i'm going shopping tomorrow... fun fun... I kinda don't like to shop. Must go to sleep now!!! Night!


I'm Bored

I'm going to see how many games of Spider Solitare I can play in one sitting.... Someone might want to stop me before this gets bad hahaha.....

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


I am slackin on this Blog thing. I am just way too lazy right now, I mean Heck... its spring break! If there was anything interesting going on, I would write it... but for now there's nothin. Just chillizzlin with my friends, but I have to babysit again tomorrow, and i'm whipped! Later!


Monday, April 05, 2004

Only 16!

Sometimes it feels like I want to grow up too fast. I feel like I am an old fart at times, like I am growing up too fast, or pushing myself to grow up. But heck! I'm only 16... no where's near being a grown-up! I need to stop rushing things. A friend said to me today after we saw the Prince & Me, that she wishes she were married. I hear that a lot now, everyone seems to get all caught up in finding their "significant other" so quickly, because i'm sure they forget that they are only 16 YEARS OLD! haha but I do also... I just wonder why everyone seems to want to rush their life including myself!? JUST SLOW DOWN! yeesh

Well another thing. I finally decided to talk to greg about friends. Lately as you may know, he hasn't been too good of a friend to me and I was quite frusterated! I said that I wanted to be friends like we used to be, becuase right now he hardly talks to me. I think I got through to him, but who knows for sure on that one. However, I did mention to him that he wasn't talking much to me and he used the thing like "oh well you got eric to talk to... you guys seem to talk a lot" blah blah. well that's not true... I don't really have anything to say to eric anymore! so yep! Overall though, it went good, so hopefully things will get better!

Oooo one more note before I hit the hay... the moon tonight was HUGE! I think it was the biggest moon ball I have ever seen, it really did look like cheese!! And for Dontrell... you aren't a loser! You're a cool kid, you have cool shirts (hahahaha), and you've got a good head on your shoulders!! Night!


Sunday, April 04, 2004

Turn your ear to heaven and hear... the noise inside!

I should just start out by saying that the little kids in surf city are crazy! First of all, Talia and Olivia had a little bathroom adventure for about 10 min... those kids were so funny!!! Then I was in a "car" with Jacob driving... making really loud car noises... which is pretty unusual for him since he is normally very quiet! It was funny, we had Carter, Ryder, Kaitlin, Me, and Jacob all in this little nook pretending to be in a car... oh the joys of playing with little kids!!

Then I went out to lunch with Nate and Jenn, and also the "Rolling stones" with all the kids. I enjoyed that very much! They had me laughing a lot!!! Everyone always makes me feel welcome... and its pretty darn cool!!! That started out the rest of my day in a good mood =)

Well I came home and the day just seemed to go wacko on me! My mom hasn't been feeling too good, she has this weird skin thing and her arm was all weird, so I told her she should go get that checked out. She seemed to be real uncomfortable, so she ended up going to the hospital to get some shots. I think she's ok now.. but she has a weird system in her body, so who knows! I think my family has had too many hospital experiences this year... holy smokes. Maybe it wasn't so wacko, but it was strange.

Otherwise I don't have too much to say. I don't have anymore news to share... at least not at the moment. However it's very likely to pop up somtime with everything going on around here! Well that's it... i'm going to play some cards for something to do... i'm quite the bored kid, but its nice to be bored i'm thinkin. Seeee yazz


Saturday, April 03, 2004

There's never a wish better than this, when you've only got a 100 years to live

Today was a good day! I had to take the ACTs, which was the only downfall of the day. I think they went ok though. I took my little doggie with me on errands, and we went to meijer, and then we took a little stroll in the new Rosy Mound Park! It was VERY windy and snowy... just real cold, but I made her go... I wanted to go haha. She was scared when we got to a look-out place, and she gave me her puppy eyes so I had to pick her up. It was very cute, a little wuss! hahaha then I went to Amanda's house a while later and we chilled! it was good times, but now I am tired and going to lose an hour of sleep! yeesh! Goood nighters


Friday, April 02, 2004



I just read Willis's blog... and he had some nasty stuff in there... but i laughed. I had to admit its funny how he called it the "baby maker." He added me to his link, and that's cool... works for me!

I just got back from seeing The Prince & Me... it was an awesome movie! I'm going for a prince charming like that, he was mighty fine!! It was fun being with my track pals, good times! I need to hit the sack though, i have the ACTs tomorrow... yick!! Good night everyone... I miss ELBOW!!!!!!
