The world of me... sunshine!

Monday, April 12, 2004

Too Much!

I have been real busy the past few days. My brother came home Saturday night, and then we all went to the relatives house for easter, and it was nice to see them all again. I have a HUGE family.

Now its back to school. I am loaded to the max with projects, papers, and homework... and not to mention track after school. It's only monday and I'm so exhausted! I did really good today at track though, I beat everyone in the 400 from the distance team, and that's like NEVER happened before, so I was real excited. But I really need to head to bed. My body is killing me, i'm in desperate need of a back massage.. its all knots!!! And like i said, i'm soo POOPED. Hopefully everything is going well with the rest of ya!! Later Gator!!



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