The world of me... sunshine!

Friday, April 23, 2004

Catchin up!

Hey everyone. It's been a while hasn't it? Or not... I can't remember. Well I am going to recap the past few days:

I think i'm going to start with Thursday. I had a track meet, and I felt like a big lump of poop before I had to run and I was nervous and stuff. I ended up doing good, my relay team did end up winning by a landslide, and I got 2nd place in my mile. I was excited because I got my best time this year in the mile, so that was good news! My family came to the meet which was awesome, and I could hear my brother screaming for me in the stands telling me to go faster... hahhahaha.... I gave him a goofy look, but I liked it a lot. Hey Nate.. thanks for coming!!! Hopefully you didn't get too pooped out watching us hehe. But yeah, I got home and my computer was all messed up and I was angry. Stupid virus.

Now to Friday, which is today. Apparently I didn't have too much catching up to do! School was the same old stuff, but it was a very easy day. I haven't had any homework all week so its been great!! Then it was track practice and we had pictures. I had to go on a run with the distance team with Jess leading, and boy she kinda buggs everyone. I had to do a #2 like eversince I started running so we got real far out (because jess is dumb like that and she goes forever and a half away from any bathrooms) and I was going to do my pants. Once it was ok to find a place to go, I ran soo fast over to the bathrooms and made it... thank goodness! Anyways, enough about the poop talk. You should of just skipped this paragraph!

We had our state band festival tonight and it went very good. We got all 1's and the sight reading judge didn't have anything bad to say to us, so it was totally rockin! Mr Maynard got a little emotional afterwords and it was real sad because his mom is real sick and he hasn't even been at school, so its kinda scary and we all feel bad about it.

Yep, that's about it. I have prom tomorrow and i'm pretty excited. I got my fake tan on my swimsuit lines, and it is looking so good. I am way excited about that. Me and elbow (my date!) will have to fill you all in on what happends. BYE!!!!



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