The world of me... sunshine!

Monday, April 19, 2004

You are more beautiful... than anyone... EVER!

Hey everyone! Today was kinda a disappointer. I had to take the meaps in the morning and I don't think I did very good on the writing... arg! I am kinda bummed out because I got a bad grade on my Euro test. It is lower than my usual D... so yes. Not good! Then I went to track and all, and now my back hurts a ton. It kinda stings at moments, just a little frusterating! But now I am done venting. I have these real bad tan lines from my suit, and I am trying to get rid of them for prom, so I bought some Sunless tanning lotion, because I really don't want to go to the "cancer place" as Anneke calls it haha. So we will have to see if it works!! BUt you know, its time for bed for mee. I have a track meet tomorrow, so I need to be well rested! Good night!



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