The world of me... sunshine!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Howdy do

Well school has started... I'm not used to it yet. I think I should just skip to college I think I am ready! I have major slacker classes this year which is super! Crafts, Phisiology (FUN!), Band, Ind. reading, AP Calc, and then Gov't! Hahaha but yeah I am pretty sure I am going to Grand Valley next year. They have a really cool campus and I think it is just perfect for me. I am going to be at GVSU quite a lot this year since my Greggo is there... and well... I miss him TONS!!! Like hugely!! Anyways, GVSU has my program that I want to go into.... and supposividely they are good at it! Medicine! WOOie *thumbs up* But Greg told me that I need to apply to Notre Dame becuase it has been my dream to go there like forever... and he said if I get in there that I should go. That would be crazy... we will see!!!

Cross Country is well... it is going! I need to have a positive attitude right now... I do at practice but when I get home I am all pissed about it. Something is wrong with my foot so I haven't been able to run for probably almost 2 weeks now! I got a bone scan and stuff to see if it is a stress fracture yesterday and the results are gonna come in in a few days errr somethin like that. I just wanna run! Me, Anneke, and Betho bike a lot though so we get some quality time in after school... and then me and Anneke get up at like 5:15 ish on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to go aqua jog in the pool before school. It is crazy and hopefully we all can run soon!!

That's about it... I am bored writing for now!



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