The world of me... sunshine!

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Thinkin Thursday?

Ok, so the whole Spider Solitare thing didn't last long. I did increase my winning percentage though! High five to that one!! I ended up watching home video's in my basement. They were pretty funny! I was 5 in them, had a mullet (!!!!), yeah pretty weird kid! My brother was always teaching me how to be cool, showing me how to wear my backpack, how to fish... all that good stuff. My sister was always videotaping me dancing or singing... we apparently made tv shows hahaha. Yeah those video's are always priceless!!

Also today, I was kinda told that I should stick up for myself and have more confidence. Apparently I think that a lot of things are my fault, especially problems I have with friends... so hmm. I think I will try this maybe. But its no biggie.

My babysitting went very good these past few days! I had to watch my cousin's kids... and they are 1 & 2, so I was kinda iffy on that, but they were very good! I also got to see my aunt, who came with my cousin to pick up the kids! She stayed in the car... but DANG! It was awesome to see her!!!!!!! Since I babysat I actually have money, but i'm going shopping tomorrow... fun fun... I kinda don't like to shop. Must go to sleep now!!! Night!



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