The world of me... sunshine!

Saturday, April 17, 2004

There has never ever been anyone like you!

That is a great song by David Crowder Band!! I got to borrow the CD from Elbow today and copy it. It is exciting!

Today we had our track meet, and I really wasn't looking forward to it! I thought it was going to be really crappy out all day, but it turned out to be kinda hot and sunny! The only bad thing about that is I got kinda a sock tan eventhough I tried to avoid it with sunscreen. I can't get too many more tan lines before prom.

AHH yes Prom! Well I have a date!!! Me and Elbow are going and we are gonna be lookin sexy. hehe. I am very excited to be going with her, and I know we will have a ton of fun!

Back to track! Jess beat me today and I was very angry about that. I can't handle her beating me, it just makes me mad. I don't really know why. Anyways, my back is feeling a little better... AJ gave me a wonderful backrub today and he said I had a ton of knots in it! Well its no wonder why its been hurtin!! hahaha Speaking of hurt, my mom is still "handicapped" and she is going insane along with my dad and me. They are all crabby... actually my whole house is crabby and I hate it. Everyone is always snapping and urghh crabby people suck. Including me!

Hmm what else is new. I have been quite busy with track and all of my homework I've had to do the past week so I kinda haven't had time for much else. I got my friend Greg back this week and it feels good to have him being nice, which is what he is capable of being! That's about it on that subject... he's quite a strange kid, but i'd consider him a friend for sure.

Now I'm really happy because the David Crowder Cd is almost done copying. I have a new love for him... and well nate... I like Josh Groban too. =) Strange I know... but he's awesome!!! And just a note for anyone who would get this: Tight pants are very VERY nice!! hahaha its time for me to play some cards and go to bed! Love you good night!



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