The world of me... sunshine!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

We got just one shot of life, let's take it while we're still not afraid!


This weekend was a pretty good weekend! I hung out with Ellen, Courtney, and Anneke on Friday and that was fun!! On Saturday I went shopping with my mother and that was good stuff, I got some fun clothes!! And then after that I hung out with Greg and we watched football all day... which is pretty much what we do EVERY saturday, but hey i'm not complaing!

Today was church day... and we got $50 to impact someone... or more like a lot of people. It is hard to explain... but my group has a genius idea!!!

Well I am sure excited for next weekend. I am going to Notre Dame on Friday... for Nationals!! YEAH baby I think it will be fun!

And Laura... i'm always good, FOR SURE!!!



Blogger Deur said...

Looking forward to seeing how God is going to use your group and that $50 to impact people! Stay cool!

November 14, 2004 at 9:57 PM


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