The world of me... sunshine!

Thursday, April 29, 2004


I can never think of anything good to label my blog days. Hmm...

Well the track meet today went fairly well. I had to race against this girl in the relay, and I swear her legs were like twice as long as mine. I tried so hard to keep up with her, but she ended up beating me.... sad. My 800 went better though. I got 2nd place and I'm pretty happy about that, although my times are staying the same. I have been working hard, and I want them to drop like crazy because i'm impatient!!! hahah but its ok! Poor elbow had one of her heart thingies, and that just makes me sad because I thought it was going to go away, but it didn't. I love you elbow (except for when you shout out names to embarasse me!!hahaa)!!OH and by the way... I had a 3 timer today at the meet... if you know what that means, then well you understand my pain! HAHAHA

Ah well I can't think of anything else right now. I am going to go for the 4th time right now so I really must leave. Can't wait for sunday!!!!!!



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