The world of me... sunshine!

Saturday, April 03, 2004

There's never a wish better than this, when you've only got a 100 years to live

Today was a good day! I had to take the ACTs, which was the only downfall of the day. I think they went ok though. I took my little doggie with me on errands, and we went to meijer, and then we took a little stroll in the new Rosy Mound Park! It was VERY windy and snowy... just real cold, but I made her go... I wanted to go haha. She was scared when we got to a look-out place, and she gave me her puppy eyes so I had to pick her up. It was very cute, a little wuss! hahaha then I went to Amanda's house a while later and we chilled! it was good times, but now I am tired and going to lose an hour of sleep! yeesh! Goood nighters



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