The world of me... sunshine!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Turn your ear to heaven and hear... the noise inside!

I should just start out by saying that the little kids in surf city are crazy! First of all, Talia and Olivia had a little bathroom adventure for about 10 min... those kids were so funny!!! Then I was in a "car" with Jacob driving... making really loud car noises... which is pretty unusual for him since he is normally very quiet! It was funny, we had Carter, Ryder, Kaitlin, Me, and Jacob all in this little nook pretending to be in a car... oh the joys of playing with little kids!!

Then I went out to lunch with Nate and Jenn, and also the "Rolling stones" with all the kids. I enjoyed that very much! They had me laughing a lot!!! Everyone always makes me feel welcome... and its pretty darn cool!!! That started out the rest of my day in a good mood =)

Well I came home and the day just seemed to go wacko on me! My mom hasn't been feeling too good, she has this weird skin thing and her arm was all weird, so I told her she should go get that checked out. She seemed to be real uncomfortable, so she ended up going to the hospital to get some shots. I think she's ok now.. but she has a weird system in her body, so who knows! I think my family has had too many hospital experiences this year... holy smokes. Maybe it wasn't so wacko, but it was strange.

Otherwise I don't have too much to say. I don't have anymore news to share... at least not at the moment. However it's very likely to pop up somtime with everything going on around here! Well that's it... i'm going to play some cards for something to do... i'm quite the bored kid, but its nice to be bored i'm thinkin. Seeee yazz



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