The world of me... sunshine!

Friday, April 09, 2004

Running... can do you harm!


I usually don't say this, but today just sucked. It was all because I felt like a big pile of CRAP, and there are other "inapproaite" (spelling??) words to explain just how I felt haha. It probably all started after my run today with my assistant coach... I think I pushed myself WAY too hard becuase ever since then i've felt real dizzy, sick, and have had a killer headache/migrane. I was going to go shopping today, but I felt just sick, so me and my mom stayed home and took naps. She is feeling a little sleepy these days which is unusual for her, but she is still kinda sick. Well, that was my day... I laid on the couch all day long, just feelin crappy! I finally was able to get up though and play some games on here, my head feels good enough to sit up! So that's what i'm doing, and i'm thinking about doing some Chemistry for some reason, I have a large amount of concentration from doing nothing all day, so why not use it. If you go running though, just make sure you don't make yourself sick!!! haha I am feeling better though, and I think my mother is too, big plus! Catch ya later with a bug net!



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