The world of me... sunshine!

Friday, July 30, 2004


Here you are see my blog is important too! You should read this more often haha maybe. Maybe you should have a blog.... it would be quite entertaining! Hahaha ahhhh i am tireddddd! It is a late night tonight I must say! I like pizza! Me and Anneke are good at Water Polo huh hehehe =)

I am going canoeing with Anneke this weekend so yep I am not going to be at church or cession... neither is Anneke... we are very sad at this fact! We like church! Well it is very late.... woooie! Good night kids... and hey Laura! I forget what I was going to tell you so maybe later haha


"Why in all movies does someone fall in love? It isn't all that easy..... It isn't hard to fall in love, it is harder to hang on to that love..... but hanging on is worth it though!!!!" -Quote by Anneke, Greg, and Katie.... the 3 Musketeers!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

"You are important"

Yeah, this saying has now came back to me just now! It is the sentence that I always wanted to hear really bad and yeah... argh!!! I will write later....


Well Hello everyone! I have to also comment on yesterday hahaha. It was pretty crazy. Actaully wait, we were just crazy. Having too much fun together, yep that's me and Anneke hehe. You should just read her blog it explains everything. Yeah man fun stuff!!! And I must say first impressions are always the best hahaha with those crazy video's! Wooooie! Well, got to go find somethin to do I have the day off! Later!


Monday, July 26, 2004

It looks like someone has a case of the Mondays!

Well... I have a headache the size of Texas I swear! My whole face hurts for some reason it is all tense and stuff... kinda crazy! I had a whole lot of sugar last night and that might of caught up with me, or maybe I am just stressed for some crazy reason! Or maybe it is that I just have a case of the Mondays. I think that is what it is but I am not really sure. It isn't bad though, not a migrane, so I still want to go hang out with someone tonight but we will have to see I guess. 

OH Laura.. I forgot to give you this picture yesterday. It was in my van and I printed it out and everything, but I just have a goldfish memory so I couldn't remember I brought it or that I even had something to give you! So next time remind me about that.  Posted by Hello OH and another thing... "And yesterday I knew just what you wanted, when you came up to me again... so I told you that I was happy for you, and given the chance i'd lie again!" hahaha aww Elk Lake!!

Um that is pretty much it. I don't have much to say... much to do! So yes I am out on this one last note... Hey Mike where do I get those weights? I am going to go bench my 200!! hahahaha



Saturday, July 24, 2004

I believe you have my stapler....

I love watching Lance Armstrong race. He is sooo fast!!! Posted by Hello I have been watching him race for the past couple days now and he is most likely going to win the Tour de France! Exciting! I think I like it so much is becuase I have been riding my bike more than usual for something to do, and it takes a lot of energy and stuff to go fast so they definitly have my respect! hahaha

This week has been a pretty good one. Everything seems to be back to normal and I am very glad for that, so I am in a good mood always! Although... I am quite bored becuase Anneke is up north and so are all of my other friends.... so basically I have no one to hang out with at the moment!! I am quite bummed because I'm so bored!!!! I don't know what I would do without Anneke for a peroid of more than a week... I am already going crazy!!!! hahaha

Um well that is pretty much it. I am excited to go to church tomorrow. I love church. I would of never guessed that I would ever say that when I was back at my old church... but HOLY crapo... I really love it. It makes me feel good... fuels me up for another week! I just kinda wish that it was like twice a week hahahaha, that would be fun for me! Then I could look forward to like Sunday and maybe say Wednesday! Then I got cession in the night time! I enjoy that also, but except when us girls get stuck sitting at the beach while the guys play their football. It gets a little boring for us! Tomorrow we get a bonfire though. I am all up for that!!!! hopefully no headaches

OH jeeze I forgot! Rascal Flatts are performing at the Ionia Free Fair and I want to go to that sooo bad!!!!  I am pretty darn sure I am not going... but it is very nice to think about! I love them!!! hahaha I sure you do too huh Laura!! Wooooie!!

I am going to quit my rambling though... I could go on all night! Hahaha oh well... Maybe I will go bench 200 pounds!! Muwhahahaha

Katie Mae!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


This is Anneke and I after our attempt to skim board, hahahaha Posted by Hello

Well today was a good day! I got to sleep in, I am not working all week long because my sister is home and my dad says that I need to spend time with her so that is good. Lets see here, my best accomplishment today was that I went bike riding and rode my bike all the way from my house to the Rosy Mound Trails. THEN I ran there up and down those hills and it was so hot out!!! I rode my bike home! So that was killer for me but hey it was good. Um yeah that is about it. I got recgonized as a "watermarker" today so that was cool! OH one more thing. I was with my friend Amanda at Jumpin Java, and we saw the hippie dude with all the stickers on his car, and Amanda calls him Jesus. And I was thinking... waht if he was really a new version of Jesus... and everyone makes fun of him and mocks him... that would be weird!!!! I'm pretty sure it's not true, but if you think about it, that would be sooo crazy 


Monday, July 19, 2004

The continuation of frusteration!!!

Yeah well the day didn't really get any better. I guess it did though in a crazy kind of way. I picked up Anneke again becuase I was feeling the frusteration so we hung out. Came on here on MSN and Greggo was being a little crap head (hahha) so that just made us kinda angry. I think he has his undies in a bunch. WE talked to Ellen though!! THat is exciting, you are so smart ellen it is crazy. You are always right too, and sometimes that buggs me becuase you know I am making the mistake like AGAIN and i just don't listen. I am not sure how much of a mistake it is though. Anyways, I don't know where this is going. Basically I am typing a lot of jibberish. Oh yeah me and Anneke have a quote..."hahahahahahahha.... BLUNT.... that is a good word!!!!!" and "ppphhhhwaht!!!" Well taht is it for me I think. It is time for me to go to bed because I am kinda insane! We had an insane night but it was fun!!! in a strange way. I am just not mature at the moment today so any adult reading this... I AM SORRY... I am only 17, still a kid. Good night! I can sing though... hahaha not really... I believe in a thing called love?!
Good night moon,


Today is a very frusterating day, and I'm not even quite sure why!!! It just makes me so angry. Well maybe I do have some kinds of ideas on why I am so frusterated but I am just not about to tell them on here. But a plus to this story or whatever it is is that me and Anneke went cruisin in my van and listened to "blessed be Your name" and we were havin lots of fun, singing (hahahahhahahahahahahaha) very loud driving on the strip in GH! OH what fun. But that is it. I am out, later gator

Saturday, July 17, 2004

If it ain't you baby... if I ain't got you baby....

Well, today was a pretty good day so far. I went with my madre to the airport to pick up my sister and her hubbie. That was cool, and my sister looks very different to me! It is nice to have them home for a week. Then I just came home and took a large nap and pretty much did nothin! It was cool though, I watched the Track and Field trial dealios and those people are so friggen fast!!!!  Then I took a quiz online and it said that I could be a Cocker Spaniel. I thought that was pretty funny... yep. I also went for a bike ride today. I went fast, or pedaled hard, one or the other, but it was fun. Helps me get through my ADD!!! (hahaha) Now I am just kinda bored, and I am going to find something to do or someone to hang out with hopefully!!! Later

Thursday, July 15, 2004


Well hmm, I had so much to write about a few minuets ago, but now I just got done talking to Ashley (a friend) about my friend Shaine's brother who died Sunday.  I am completely sad about it. Me and Shaine used to be really close in school and stuff, and I can't even imagine how she is feeling right now. Her and her family is going through a whole lot at the moment, I wish I could share her burden with her... but I am just asking for you to pray for her and her family as they go through this rough time.  They need all the prayers they can get!!
On a much much lighter note, the whole trip up to Elk lake is still just hitting me.  It is all just very strange to me! There are so many things going through my mind right now, on being a good Christian, being a good friend, and believing full-heartedly in God. All of those things I am having many ups and downs on. I guess I can't really explain it all. It is all just way too confusing for me... the most confusing thing being believing full-heartedly in God. It is like I know that he is there, but yet I don't believe it sometimes, and then othertimes I really really do! I am just really confused and don't know what to do about it! I pray every night though, read my bible, and I think about God all of the time, but I don't know why i have such a hard time believing. It isn't like I have had anythign happen to me to make me not believe....? 
Well I think I am going to end this blog for now. That is all I feel like typing at the moment!! So please pray and have a great day everyone!
*I believe in a thing called lovvvvveeee!*

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Today was an awesome day. I got to hang out with Anneke and we went to church and became connected at a much greater level than we had before. We talked so much about God today and we both feel just so great! We felt so great in fact that we wrote letters to our parents telling them that we feel like we take them for granted sometimes. It is a start for us... so here is mine.

Mother and Father-

So Anneke and I were downtown as you know, just talking and we started to talk about our parents. We seem to take you guys for granted we realized. Lately I have been kind of spaced from you guys. I don’t show you how much I really love you and it is hard for me to show my emotions sometimes. The thing is that I really love you so much no matter if I show it or not. I missed you guys when I was gone up north. When I was up north I got closer to god and by becoming closer to God, it has helped me open up myself and realize who is really important in my life and you guys are on the top of my list (well next to the big G-O-D of course!). I know you will go to the ends of the earth for me and that means a ton!! I am at that stage in my life where hanging around with my parents is boring… yadda yadda… but I want to try more to be home for more time. Family is very important in life (this I know!!) and no matter what happens you are always there for me to fall back on. So I just love you guys very much and thank you for all that you do for me!!!

I love you hugely!!

Katie Mae XOXO

And that is that. Look at what the big G-O-D does!!! Community... live in community!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Live like you were dying...

He said I was in my early forties, with a lot of life before me, when a moment came that stop me on a dime. I spent most of the next days, looking at the x-rays. Talking bout’ the options and talking bout’ sweet time. I asked him when it sank in, that this might really be the real end, how’s hit ya’ when you get that kind of news?
Man whad ya do?
And he said

I went skydiving
I went rocky mountain climbing
I went two point seven seconds on a bull name Fu Man Chew
And I loved deeper
And I spoke sweeter
And I gave forgiveness I’d been denyin’
And he said some day I hope you get the chance
To live like you were dyin

He said I was finally the husband, but most the time I wasn’t. And I became a friend; the friend would like to have. And all a sudden goin’ fishin wasn't such an imposition, and I went three times that year I lost my dad. Well I finally read the good book, and took a good long hard look at what i would do if I could do it all again.
And then


Like tomorrow was a gift, and ya got eternity to think about what to do with it, what could you do with it, what did I do with it, what would I do with it?

That is an awesome song by Tim McGraw!!! It really like makes you think that you need to take everyday and live it up becuase you only live once and you never know what will happen!!

Well anyways, I am going upnorth with cession next week and I am pretty excited about it! Lately it has been like I have got off the good train (haha) and just kinda not really been going anywhere with God so it will be a good help for me to get back on track!! That's pretty much it with me! I will have to let you know how it goes. Later kiddos!