The world of me... sunshine!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


This is Anneke and I after our attempt to skim board, hahahaha Posted by Hello

Well today was a good day! I got to sleep in, I am not working all week long because my sister is home and my dad says that I need to spend time with her so that is good. Lets see here, my best accomplishment today was that I went bike riding and rode my bike all the way from my house to the Rosy Mound Trails. THEN I ran there up and down those hills and it was so hot out!!! I rode my bike home! So that was killer for me but hey it was good. Um yeah that is about it. I got recgonized as a "watermarker" today so that was cool! OH one more thing. I was with my friend Amanda at Jumpin Java, and we saw the hippie dude with all the stickers on his car, and Amanda calls him Jesus. And I was thinking... waht if he was really a new version of Jesus... and everyone makes fun of him and mocks him... that would be weird!!!! I'm pretty sure it's not true, but if you think about it, that would be sooo crazy 



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