The world of me... sunshine!

Saturday, July 24, 2004

I believe you have my stapler....

I love watching Lance Armstrong race. He is sooo fast!!! Posted by Hello I have been watching him race for the past couple days now and he is most likely going to win the Tour de France! Exciting! I think I like it so much is becuase I have been riding my bike more than usual for something to do, and it takes a lot of energy and stuff to go fast so they definitly have my respect! hahaha

This week has been a pretty good one. Everything seems to be back to normal and I am very glad for that, so I am in a good mood always! Although... I am quite bored becuase Anneke is up north and so are all of my other friends.... so basically I have no one to hang out with at the moment!! I am quite bummed because I'm so bored!!!! I don't know what I would do without Anneke for a peroid of more than a week... I am already going crazy!!!! hahaha

Um well that is pretty much it. I am excited to go to church tomorrow. I love church. I would of never guessed that I would ever say that when I was back at my old church... but HOLY crapo... I really love it. It makes me feel good... fuels me up for another week! I just kinda wish that it was like twice a week hahahaha, that would be fun for me! Then I could look forward to like Sunday and maybe say Wednesday! Then I got cession in the night time! I enjoy that also, but except when us girls get stuck sitting at the beach while the guys play their football. It gets a little boring for us! Tomorrow we get a bonfire though. I am all up for that!!!! hopefully no headaches

OH jeeze I forgot! Rascal Flatts are performing at the Ionia Free Fair and I want to go to that sooo bad!!!!  I am pretty darn sure I am not going... but it is very nice to think about! I love them!!! hahaha I sure you do too huh Laura!! Wooooie!!

I am going to quit my rambling though... I could go on all night! Hahaha oh well... Maybe I will go bench 200 pounds!! Muwhahahaha

Katie Mae!


Blogger Katie said...

OH jeeze... I want to go!!! Tim McGraw rocks baby!!!

July 25, 2004 at 2:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're going to bench 200 you could borrow some weights off D'trell - he has a few more than he can manage ;)

July 26, 2004 at 7:51 AM


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