The world of me... sunshine!

Friday, July 30, 2004


Here you are see my blog is important too! You should read this more often haha maybe. Maybe you should have a blog.... it would be quite entertaining! Hahaha ahhhh i am tireddddd! It is a late night tonight I must say! I like pizza! Me and Anneke are good at Water Polo huh hehehe =)

I am going canoeing with Anneke this weekend so yep I am not going to be at church or cession... neither is Anneke... we are very sad at this fact! We like church! Well it is very late.... woooie! Good night kids... and hey Laura! I forget what I was going to tell you so maybe later haha


"Why in all movies does someone fall in love? It isn't all that easy..... It isn't hard to fall in love, it is harder to hang on to that love..... but hanging on is worth it though!!!!" -Quote by Anneke, Greg, and Katie.... the 3 Musketeers!


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