The world of me... sunshine!

Thursday, July 15, 2004


Well hmm, I had so much to write about a few minuets ago, but now I just got done talking to Ashley (a friend) about my friend Shaine's brother who died Sunday.  I am completely sad about it. Me and Shaine used to be really close in school and stuff, and I can't even imagine how she is feeling right now. Her and her family is going through a whole lot at the moment, I wish I could share her burden with her... but I am just asking for you to pray for her and her family as they go through this rough time.  They need all the prayers they can get!!
On a much much lighter note, the whole trip up to Elk lake is still just hitting me.  It is all just very strange to me! There are so many things going through my mind right now, on being a good Christian, being a good friend, and believing full-heartedly in God. All of those things I am having many ups and downs on. I guess I can't really explain it all. It is all just way too confusing for me... the most confusing thing being believing full-heartedly in God. It is like I know that he is there, but yet I don't believe it sometimes, and then othertimes I really really do! I am just really confused and don't know what to do about it! I pray every night though, read my bible, and I think about God all of the time, but I don't know why i have such a hard time believing. It isn't like I have had anythign happen to me to make me not believe....? 
Well I think I am going to end this blog for now. That is all I feel like typing at the moment!! So please pray and have a great day everyone!
*I believe in a thing called lovvvvveeee!*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Katie! I don't have an this is going to be "anonymous"...kind of mysterious! hahahah This probably won't help or anything at all Katie, but I just wanted to tell you that I have an idea of what you're going through (being a previous Christian who is struggling to find a core belief or at least an idea!) but I think that over time we'll get it figured out and if it's never totally ironed out...oh well! Experiencing is half the adventure right! haha For sure! Good luck!

July 15, 2004 at 8:53 PM


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