The world of me... sunshine!

Monday, July 19, 2004

The continuation of frusteration!!!

Yeah well the day didn't really get any better. I guess it did though in a crazy kind of way. I picked up Anneke again becuase I was feeling the frusteration so we hung out. Came on here on MSN and Greggo was being a little crap head (hahha) so that just made us kinda angry. I think he has his undies in a bunch. WE talked to Ellen though!! THat is exciting, you are so smart ellen it is crazy. You are always right too, and sometimes that buggs me becuase you know I am making the mistake like AGAIN and i just don't listen. I am not sure how much of a mistake it is though. Anyways, I don't know where this is going. Basically I am typing a lot of jibberish. Oh yeah me and Anneke have a quote..."hahahahahahahha.... BLUNT.... that is a good word!!!!!" and "ppphhhhwaht!!!" Well taht is it for me I think. It is time for me to go to bed because I am kinda insane! We had an insane night but it was fun!!! in a strange way. I am just not mature at the moment today so any adult reading this... I AM SORRY... I am only 17, still a kid. Good night! I can sing though... hahaha not really... I believe in a thing called love?!
Good night moon,


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