The world of me... sunshine!

Monday, July 26, 2004

It looks like someone has a case of the Mondays!

Well... I have a headache the size of Texas I swear! My whole face hurts for some reason it is all tense and stuff... kinda crazy! I had a whole lot of sugar last night and that might of caught up with me, or maybe I am just stressed for some crazy reason! Or maybe it is that I just have a case of the Mondays. I think that is what it is but I am not really sure. It isn't bad though, not a migrane, so I still want to go hang out with someone tonight but we will have to see I guess. 

OH Laura.. I forgot to give you this picture yesterday. It was in my van and I printed it out and everything, but I just have a goldfish memory so I couldn't remember I brought it or that I even had something to give you! So next time remind me about that.  Posted by Hello OH and another thing... "And yesterday I knew just what you wanted, when you came up to me again... so I told you that I was happy for you, and given the chance i'd lie again!" hahaha aww Elk Lake!!

Um that is pretty much it. I don't have much to say... much to do! So yes I am out on this one last note... Hey Mike where do I get those weights? I am going to go bench my 200!! hahahaha




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