The world of me... sunshine!

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Today was an awesome day. I got to hang out with Anneke and we went to church and became connected at a much greater level than we had before. We talked so much about God today and we both feel just so great! We felt so great in fact that we wrote letters to our parents telling them that we feel like we take them for granted sometimes. It is a start for us... so here is mine.

Mother and Father-

So Anneke and I were downtown as you know, just talking and we started to talk about our parents. We seem to take you guys for granted we realized. Lately I have been kind of spaced from you guys. I don’t show you how much I really love you and it is hard for me to show my emotions sometimes. The thing is that I really love you so much no matter if I show it or not. I missed you guys when I was gone up north. When I was up north I got closer to god and by becoming closer to God, it has helped me open up myself and realize who is really important in my life and you guys are on the top of my list (well next to the big G-O-D of course!). I know you will go to the ends of the earth for me and that means a ton!! I am at that stage in my life where hanging around with my parents is boring… yadda yadda… but I want to try more to be home for more time. Family is very important in life (this I know!!) and no matter what happens you are always there for me to fall back on. So I just love you guys very much and thank you for all that you do for me!!!

I love you hugely!!

Katie Mae XOXO

And that is that. Look at what the big G-O-D does!!! Community... live in community!


Blogger nathan sean said...

be the church girl... be the church!

July 12, 2004 at 10:40 PM


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