The world of me... sunshine!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

"Wednesday is the day to make your move"

Well I didn't know that there was going to be a move made here! Um so yes, I am a little sketched out because Greg Antioho asked me to watch a movie saturday night with him... and i said yes. He's a cool guy, but its really scary becuase he's very clingy and I don't like him!!! AHHH! Then I was thinking that it was a date and all, which is sucky becuase I don't like him like that... so I asked Eric if he and Leah would go with me haha. Eric is going to ask Leah tomorrow, so hopefully they can come! Otherwise i'd a be screwed!!! Hmm. Greg A said I was VERY COOL... and frankly I want to run away!!! haha whooo knows... I guess I'll figure somethin out. But for now, i'm exhausted... and this is another blog about a boy. I need to get a freakin life! hahaha You're awesome Ellen!!! =) =) And Nate, you're awesome too, always keepin my head on the right track!!! =)

I guess I wasn't the one who made the move.... YIKES


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