The world of me... sunshine!

Saturday, March 06, 2004

This is the story of a girl....

Actually, my Saturday was pretty normal. I was really happy because I got to sleep in, and it just makes a whole world of difference. I kinda just sat around for most of the day, then Kaylie called me and we hung out with Paul. We got some pizza, and Paul had some NASTY farts!!! That's pretty much it though. They came over, watched some tv, and then left. I talked to my "old" lover, now named as "the ex." He's a very crabby kid... never happy anymore. He just is like a big pot of poop, at least he sure is starting to act like one because of all of his dilemmas. I feel bad for him though really. It's a good thing that he's being like that to me though, because then I wouldn't want to start liking him again! That would be real bad haha, eventhough there are still feelings there... just not as strong! OH... one note I left out from a few days ago... according to my ex, I learned that the All American Rejects' lead singer sang about his ex, and I guess the reason why he made the cd was because they weren't friends. Sounds very familiar huh!!! It's not like i'm not trying here!!!! silly kid.

Anyways! My parents are coming home tomorrow, and i'm very excited. I really need to have a little chat with my mother about things... more like someone. That will be good because maybe she will take me shopping or something to make me feel better hahah (yeahh right! we have no money supposidively). The only minus of them coming home is the fact that I won't get the cool car anymore. BUMMER!!! Well tomorrow is Sunday... and that means Church! Yahoo! I'm happy about that, because I get to see a lot of really cool people there, maybe i'll do some flirting with big D? Who knows... depends on how i'm feeling. HAHAHA!

...Who's not crying a river or drowning the whole world!


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