The world of me... sunshine!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

It is all SO CLEAR to me!!!

Ok, just for the record... God is GREAT! Definitly not the first time I said that, and it sure won't be the last. It is amazing how great, how awesome is He! I've realized the past month, that His followers are so much more loving and understanding than the non-believers. I'm not trying to put anyone down either, it's just my thought. My so called "die hard" christian friends rock! They help me to understand that God can get me through anything at all. They just bring relief to my life, telling me that it will be ok and I will get through whatever is making me bum out. Also, I have had a lot of time to not pay attention in class, and think about my teachers and what ones have impacted me the most. Most commonly the ones that I feel like they understand me are the ones that go to church and that are a christian.

It's something about a christian that makes a person way attractive!!! I was talking to Elbow today on the ride home, and we decided that the guys at the Chicago conference were WAY attractive! You can see the passion that they have in their eyes, and its just really great, and I know that I will someday need a guy who does that! Also we thought up that I can't date a person who isn't involved in some way to God. My old lover wasn't really involved at all... but still, he is a great person, no joke... just not as understanding as I wanted him to be. Now see, I have friends that are boys who avidly go to church, and they always make me feel better about what is bothering me... AWESOME!!!

Another thing... shout out to Nate! He's my hero... and always makes me figure things out and realize what is best for me. He has influenced me to open up my eyes and take a look around... and see that God is there! Love ya!!!

Hittin the sack eventually,
Katrina aka Sunshine!


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