The world of me... sunshine!

Friday, March 05, 2004

"We're going streakin!!!!"

OH MAN! There was a streaker at the pep assembly today, and dang.... it was pretty nasty!!! It was probably the most interesting thing though, because those dumb pep things are really boring. Jeesh! Turns out that it was probably J.S. *abbreviated for his protection*. Another weird thing... I went to this punk thing with Kaylie. It was actually pretty interesting, and Paul's band was really good! People were all excited about it, so they were dancing around like mad men and they looked pretty hilarious!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! I realized that half of my little cross buddies are little punkers! There were like 5 or 6 girls there, haha silly kids. Oh yeh! We saw this one guy there who plays guitar for my church, and he had a GIRLFRIEND, and I laughed...

Yeah, I'm thinking that today was a good day. I got an 80% on my Euro test, big surprise=)!! I also talked to my old lover (which should probably be more properly named as.... something i'll come up with later).... and that went really good!! I just still like him... understandable... but that will hopefully go away soon. He's just a cool guy =) and my friend again. He is a little strange though, because today he was like playing with his pants in a weird way... but that's just him! Not too many more things happened today, just pretty much the norm!

"Then I realize how bitter I had become,
how pained I had been by all I had seen.
I was so foolish and Ignorant-
I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.
Yet I still belong to you;
you are holding my right hand.
You will keep on guiding me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny." Psalm 73:21-24

Jesus music rocks!


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