The world of me... sunshine!

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Rejection? Hardly!

Hello my friends! I feel just like a confused little puppy! haha or maybe a large dog, not sure! Anywho, I thought today was going to STINK! I woke up at like 2 in the morning with a migrane, and yea that made me extremely dizzy... it was like a spinning washing machine hahaha. But by 10 ish, I felt better, so it was a good thing I went to school. Ellen said that I was crabby today =( jeesh, you silly girl... you aren't supposed to tell a person they are cranky, it makes them feel more crabby! haha just kiddin ellen, you know you're my elbow!!! So I went to the Y today with Greg, and I pumped some iron man! I'm pretty sore, and I even ran a really fast mile (10 mph for 2 min! haha). We had a good time, and it was fun to just do something together once again. I realized though that I really didn't have any feelings for him! Cool stuff huh!

Neckers needed help with her math again, so she came over and we worked it out! Good times! Then we talked to Greg about the prom, and he said that he doesn't want to go with me becuase people told him not to ask me. They also said not to, because they don't want another chance between us, and I was upset at first, but now I realize that they are all right! Smart people they are!!! I'm thinking that's basically it for today! Tomorrow is the day I need to make my move.... but I still haven't figured it out yet!! Its driving me crazy too, because what if that thing was true! haha Things are just way too funny to me... anyways!



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