The world of me... sunshine!

Monday, March 08, 2004


OK I just thought I needed to write this down (or type) before I forget or change my mind! I have decided that I really CAN'T go to prom with my ex! haha, ex just sounds so harsh.... maybe he'll be called something like greg how about. Anyways! I was discussing it with Eric, and he said that it might not be a good idea becuase people might get the wrong idea and stuff... and I was thinking that I might start to like him again, and that would be poopy! BUt if he asks me... ohhh jeesh.... I would probably say yes. AHhhh.... who knows! Me and Greg are going to the Y tomorrow to pump some iron hahaha. This is funny stuff man. Well i think I just confused myself! Oh well, I gotta go help Anneke with her math! Later!


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