The world of me... sunshine!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Again, things are just gettin clearer!

Ha! So today was an interesting day! I had to get up early for catalina, got called "erin l (whatever her stinkin last name is)" and that wasn't good! But other than that, things were pretty good! I had band festival today and we got all 1's... which is a good thing, but it means we will have to go to state... and that's just ok with me. Who knows! I had a fun time though at band, talkin with my friends and my crazy neighbor... HMMM, wierd kid.

I do have an update between me and my "old" lover! We didn't talk at all during school again, still upsetting. It was just kinda a hard day, i'm feelin still hurt and all. We ended up talking online when I got home, and I realized a lot of things.

1. He is upset that I implied that we weren't going to be friends anymore
2. He really wanted to talk things over with me before deciding what to do (suprising)
3. He wants me to be happy, so if breaking up made me happy, then he would do it... or agree with it
4. He knows that he was being a jerk!
5. When you care about someone, you would do whatever it takes to make them happy
6. Coming straight from him... "well when breaking up.... you always want to make sure that you remember and emphasize being freinds, that is the difference between a good break up and a bad one"
7. Make sure you check out #6 again
8. I still need to be friends with him...
9. AND THE BEST OF ALL~~We made a cute couple... but we will make even cuter friends!!!

... and that's basically it. I feel like I learned a lot tonight. Sorry about these blogs, they are all about my "old" lover basically haha. I feel a lot better though, and I know things will work out becuase I have God on my side along with all of my friends. One last thought for the day... "If I traded it all.. if I gave it all away for one thing, wouldn't that be something?" (Finger Eleven- One thing). Good night ya'all! Tomorrow's friday!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!

~Katie Mae!!!


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