The world of me... sunshine!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

This light that shines on me, shines on you

Arg. Right now I feel just very frusterated about something, but to tell you the truth, I have NO idea what it is. It's irritating me very much. I think it is another one of those days where I feel completely blanked out, and I just hate it when that happends! anyways...

Elbow, you are super cool and don't worry so much about things. I know that God has amazing things planned for you... after all he brought us closer to him... and you will definitly be able to handle it. I know how you feel though, everything is very confusing, so you are probably thinking right when you said not to think so hard! It always gets me in trouble at least. You should listen to the "stars" song by David Crowder Band... he says that "it'll be alright..." =) Love ya!! Oh yes, about our friends from Allendale! Me and Elbow have good times with you, and we like to hang out with you guys! good stuff, good stuff! =)

"I wanna shine, I wanna be the light. I wanna tell you it'll be alright. And I wanna shine, and I wanna fly. Just to tell you now it'll be alright." Dang that's an awesome song!!! Definitly how I feel.

Well I will leave you with this tonight. It is my essay about something, for a class! Haha, well just read it if you wish! Good night y'all.

“Eighty percent of life's satisfaction comes from meaningful relationships.” -- Brian Tracy

So far in my life, I have found out that relationships are the ones that can get me through everything.
The most important relationship I have right now in my life is my family. I have the usual so called “American” family… a dad, mom, sister and brother. They have taught me how to love unconditionally. It’s strange how I can make numerous mistakes and how they still love me no matter what. They each taught me a different thing about life. My dad and mom taught me how to always try my best at everything, and if I fail, it is ok because I had given it my all. My sister taught me that I can be myself and still be cool, and not to care what other people think. My brother taught me a very important thing that I will always carry with me. He showed me how to genuinely care about people and give them your utmost respect no matter how they treat you. My family is just great! They have taught me so much through our relationships and I always know that they will truly care about me.

Then there are the relationships that I have with my friends; ones filled with up’s and down’s, just like a rollercoaster. There are times where I can get upset with them, times when we disagree, but we always end up solving our differences… and believe me, it is definitely worth it. My friends can get me through anything. They are there to listen to my every word if I am upset about something, or even if you just need someone to sit around and be bored with. Friends are priceless!

In my opinion, one of the most healing kinds of relationships are the ones I have with my “man’s best friend.” Yes, I know, it may sound strange, but dogs can really teach a lot about life and relationships! My dog Ali teaches me again how to love no matter what. There are times where I come home from a bad day, and all I want to do is just lie down and sleep away the afternoon’s stress. Somehow, man’s best friend knows that something is wrong, and comes and licks my face, making everything seem much better.

Relationships are very important in everyone’s lives. They can teach you everything you need to know about life, and life’s lessons. If it weren’t for them, there would be no emotion in the world. Whether good or bad, they can affect your life forever, and they are truly meaningful.


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