The world of me... sunshine!

Friday, March 12, 2004

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!!!

WOooooie! Yesterday was a day FILLED with those crazy things. A lot has been going on where I feel like i've made all the wrong decisions and it makes me feel like crap. I realized that it isn't a good thing at all to go Saturday night and hang out with Greg A becuase he is acting really strange and its really freaking me out. I just don't want to handle it... so i'm avoiding the fact! I'm going to tell him today that I can't because I have too many friend issues at the moment, which is a true fact. My Greg got really upset that I was going because of SO many reasons and its very complicated... but only a side dish of why I am not going to go. You might be very confused, but i'm not going to go at all because it is the right decision this time!

It is also a true fact that Ham-bone also wanted to hang out, but friday night. Since me and Elbow are going to that thingie, I told him I couldn't... and then I accepted an offer with Greg A, Saturday night. I was told that it wasn't right what I did, becuase Ham-bone is very nice and would treat a girl perfectly... and where as Greg A, well who knows what he would do. YEESH. So that wasn't a smart decision what I did to Ham-bone... and I apologized.

PROM. YES. That is one of my other big decisions where I am completely lost. I don't even want to say much on the fact becuase it is already getting my undies in a bunch, and I am contemplating many things about it. We will just leave it at that.

I just find myself saying sorry a whole lot, and it is sincere, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be cutting it. dang.

Anyways! Elbow, your blog is gonna be awesome! I'm very sorry about your retainer... but think about this! I kinda stopped wearing my retainer becuase i hated it... and my teeth didn't turn out sooo bad did they!? haha... your teeth are very lovely, and you are lovely!

Well I got to head to school. My head is aching, my stomach is a-turning... and i'm a-going to school. Tonight will be craziness with all those little kiddo's elbow! Lets bring a whip and make sure they listen to US! hahaha just kiddin.

Have a great day to you 2 people who read this!


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