The world of me... sunshine!

Saturday, March 13, 2004

I love smoothies!!!

Hello! Today was also a good day! I was a bit tired from the LMS sleepover with all of those crazy kids... so yes, that made me kinda crabby towards the middle of the day when I got my new running shoes! I just kinda sat around all day, relaxing, then I went and saw Jac at her aunts house. That was good stuff, nice to catch up with her again!

OHhh yeah hahaha... I told Greg A that I couldn't hang out tonight because I was having issues. It wasn't a big deal to me, and yeah, I just didn't think I wanted to anymore. Anyways, this part is kinda funny. I was in a mood to get a smoothie, and my old lover wanted to go too, so I picked him up and we went to Hoppin Coffee and got one. Turns out that we saw no one other than..... Greg A!! That was kinda a sticky situation, but he never came up to talk to us since there were a lot of people there, he just knew that I was there with my old lover. Not a big deal to me, since my old lover is not as sketchy as him! haha... it might not make any sense, but its kinda interesting I thought. Me and my old lover had a good thing going on tonight, good talking, and we were just good friends... which was well... good! but that's all that happened =) and all that will!

Tomorrow my Dad and Mom are going to church with me! First time for them! I am excited about it, and i hope they will like it. BUt that's pretty much it for me! See you tomorrow Ellen and Nate!



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