The world of me... sunshine!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Hello everyone. The past few days have been quite hectic!! Track started yesterday and our new coach took us on a hard run for me! Wooie, it definitely killed me! I also haven't been feeling too good, I've had a headache and stuff.

Today was especially interesting. My favorite person in the world (E.L.) was talking bad about me in the locker room this morning and I caught her... so I went back in and gave her a look. Boy I was kinda angry at her, but hey, I sure caught her and made her feel stupid! hahaha. Yeah, I've basically felt like poop the whole day with a headache and stuff, so I slept in class the first 2 hours, but I didn't really care if I got yelled at... eventhough I didn't! =) It was strange how I would wake up and hear the teacher talking about monkeys and stuff? I didn't get that one. Lunch was pretty interesting huh elbow! I'll just leave it at that... don't want to embarrass myself! Then I went home like in 5th hour haha and my mommy took me to the doctor and I have a bladder infection... so now I shall start to feel better, I got some drugs!

Not too much else happened today though! I'm going to start studying for my Chemistry test tomorrow... whoppie... not! See you!
*John Mayer is awesome*


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