The world of me... sunshine!

Monday, March 29, 2004

We have joy, we have fun, we have seasons in the sun

Well hello again. Let me just say, it's DARN good to be back.

I have a large load of homework to do, and I have to make up a bunch of stuff. Yeesh! Not too much happened today. I keep on thinking about last night at cession, and how that night meant a whole lot to me. It was hard and sad to hear problems that people have kept inside them, and how much of a burden they are to them. I just want to say that last night was crazy, I was scared out of my pants, but afterwords.. I just feel a lot better and I know who to turn to when I get off of my train tracks. But dang... things are going to take a lot of time... and i'm taking all of the advice everyone gave me. thanks =)

But a funny story (to me)-- In Euro today, my teacher was discussing burdens somehow, and he asked me a question in front of the class. I was definitly daydreaming, and did not know the answer or really what the heck he was talking about! All I could think about was how brian said that he was a burden last night! I wanted to tell Douglas about what I was thinking about... but yeah... now this story makes no sense, but hey... it was kinda strange to me. ANYWAYS hahaha sorry bout that

School was kinda a disappointer today. People said that I was tan, and that was awesome... but elbow went home sick and I didn't get to see her! I was very sad... I didn't even know that you were feelin icky elbow! I hope you feel better!!!

Well I guess I am out... I have still stuff to do, and I'm exhausted!!

Katie Mae


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