The world of me... sunshine!

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Thank You for loving me!!!

Alrighty... it's time...

Florida was pretty darn great, very warm like I said before. However, I got kinda off track in my walk with God. I noticed it a lot, and I found myself thinking about many things. I really wasn't around religious people, and I know that I should of tried to step out in faith, but I just couldn't do it. Man I felt like a fricken loser! I just wanted to talk about it to someone but I had no one there! Arg, it made me quite frusterated. This should be a time where I am praying constantly, stepping out in faith since my family is experiencing some big times of trouble. Everything is building up, and I find myself losing hope when all I should have is hope. It just is poopy. But anyways, it was real nice to get back to church and see everyone there. I was really stunned because I didn't have a name tag on or anything, and people knew my name!!!! Joyus!!! I know I need to get back on my climb though... I seemed to have stubbed my toe on a rock or something?!

The only other thing that bothered me in florida was all the talk about drugs and stuff... not by the adults though! I HATE drugs, drinking, etc... I HATE THEM I HATE THEM. I just hate the fact that people even try that stuff. They talked about it a lot, and how they get high and drunk and stuff. That made me kind of angry. This kid that came down and stayed with us thought that he was cool because he did that kind of stuff. It's funny though! I lost a whole ton of respect I used to have for him, because I thought he would NEVER do that kind of stuff. It's all so over rated.

But dang, I'm glad to be back! Elbow I missed you SO much! I just wanted you to be down there with me so I could talk to you. Thanks for everything you do elbow... you mean SOOO MUCH!!! Much love

And for god-- Thank you for loving me even when I feel like I mess up. With you I can do anything, I just have to set my mind to it... and I will. You rock!



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