The world of me... sunshine!

Tuesday, March 30, 2004


Yes, I have a simple case of it! Doublethink, in case you are wondering, is believing two contradictory ideas at the same time... and i'm very good at doing that! I have been "biting my tongue" so to say, and trying to leave out all my frusterations. Its the issue with Greg... and my other friend who is a girl! Yes, they are just being too stupid people, but I think to myself whenever I get angry "no hurt pie... he no good! haha" and then someone else in my head says "dang katie, you still wish!" How sad. But yes, ALWAYS in the end... the no hurt pie wins out which is a very good thing. I love the way the good always wins out in this situation.

Heh, anyways, sorry to bore you on that... i've gone a darn long time without talking about him! It was going good too! Today however was a pretty good day. I failed my science quiz that my teacher made me take, that was kinda sucky. I only answered one question on the page... as for the others, i had no idea where to start or what to do. Everything else though was good about the day. School went good for the most part, track went good... i think i did pretty ok on my events. I just have a lot of studying to do for euro, but heck! that class is really dumb.

Some strange things have been happening lately. I have been observing how people act... yeah its very wierd to me. I was the kind of person who didn't really notice anything, but now for some reason my eyes have been peeled like an orange. who knows kates.

I need to get off this thing, i'm starting to fall asleep... track and school really can poop a person out... plus I think i'm writing non-sense.



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