The world of me... sunshine!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004


I'm not really vindicated... I don't think so at least. I don't know what the word means but I really like the song called vindicated!

Anyways, the last 2 days have been hard work! Monday I went to work with my dad in muskegon. We went and looked at some jobs and shoveled a little bit. That was basically the day because things didn't work out to where we were going to pour concrete! I had the rest of the day off, it was nice! Then today I was supposed to get up and go shovel some sidewalks early, but I woke up with a killer migrane! I just went there a little later around 9 in muskegon. I shoveled by myself because my dad was in GR, until about 1! I am pooped out. We are working at the new ferry site so older men always gave me props for doing the "dirty work." And then just as I was going to go get lunch at home, Steve showed up (someone who works for my dad) and he helped me finish the rest. Otherwise I don't know if I could do it by myself! We worked till about 2 and it got done! My dad then came put some stuff in and he didn't need me to help pour so I went home becuase I was exhausted and really burnt. Forgot the sunscreen!

Now I am going to go shower and then head over to Coffee Grounds and meet Elbow and Courteny... maybe Anneke to go over our groups for cession! And later after that I am hangin out with Amanda. So it shall be fun. Later!



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