The world of me... sunshine!

Sunday, May 09, 2004


Well we had a great storm today. I was out on our boat with my dad and brother, fishing, when that huge storm came in. We had to floor it out of the channel, and by the time we got to the launching ramp, it was really dark and super windy. We could hear the thunder going, and it was lightening out!! There were actually caps on the water, so it was really hard to dock the boat and get it all set! But luckly we made it home safely...

Went to the relative's house today. It was fun, my family is pretty insane but funny! They just say some really random stuff, and i'm actually pretty calm over there! haha it was good stuff

As for everything else... I really don't know. Things just seem weird, and I feel like i'm at a point again where everything around me is changing... i'm really caught off guard. I just kinda don't know what to do about it.

That's all folks


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