The world of me... sunshine!

Monday, May 03, 2004

Life is not what I thought it was... 24 hours ago...


What is up!! I am very wired right now, as always. I must say, I felt wired sunday night also! I felt that the free:cession went very good! I had fun, and everything that went on was sweet. VERY SWEET. I really like hanging out with everyone there, they are so much fun and I can really be myself!! that is worth 2 thumbs up!! yeah hahaha... especially cool

Track was pretty good today. It was nice and easy, and we had a good run! There was only a few of us that ran saturday that went out for a run with our coach, and the rest stayed back and worked hard with mrs. richardson. I felt bad though because Kyle Moreland died today, and everyone is sad about it. He was in marching band, but I never knew him actually. I hate it when young people have to go so quickly!! It sucks to see everyone upset, but with God they will be able to get through it. Be prayin for them...

Well, I have some laundry to do, and maybe study some more for my Euro test tomorrow. I hope I do good because I have really tried this chapter, but of course, i'm no good at history! Well have an awesome week. Much love!!!



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