The world of me... sunshine!

Saturday, May 08, 2004

On an island in the sun, we'll be playin and havin fun!

That sounds like a lot of fun, playing on an island in the sun... we've had so many cloudy days that its time for a sunny one! (eventhough it was yesterday!) I like the bright sunshiney days. They make me want to go outside and go rollerblade a long ways, bike ride, run, or even take my cool dog for a walk!

Right now though, its storming a little, and that just rocks too! I have been waiting for a storm to actually come, hoping that it would just ramble all day long and rain. Storms are just pretty!!! Plus when it lightenings that means that God got a strike when he was bowling. hehehe It looks for as of right now the storms are going to miss us, at least the big ones.

I enjoyed the weather yesterday. It was sunny when I went to practice, and kinda hot! The four of us cranked out 8 85 second quarter miles, tough, but we are all proud of our accomplishment.. and we are getting ready for WO... they are going down!!!! I saw ashley at the track yesterday, and that was a HUGE suprise, I didn't remember that she had a game friday! Sweet dude!

Then I went to look at some concrete with my mom that my dad poured. It looked good, and he does a very good job. Although, he was very upset becasue something happened and the whole thing shifted... and no one knows why because they measured it over and over. Sad to say, but the only thing that seems possible of what happened is that someone my dad was working with moved the blocks... but we don't really know. Its just a huge bummer

Then I went to greg's house and we watched Master and Commander. Let me just say that it's a very good thing that I didn't take the AP test because in the movie I didn't know what was going on... and its about waht we learned all this year in that class, hahaha. It was fun though. I think I am a little smarter from the movie, lets hope!! Then I got hungry, so we got food... that was that! He thinks that I have a bottomless pit... i'm always hungry!!!! It wasn't a big deal though, just hangin out

Well, that would be it for me. Nothing new, nothing old! I am a michigander... I like to talk about the weather!



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