The world of me... sunshine!

Friday, August 20, 2004

It's been a while!


Well I am finally done with all of my camps finally!!! I am excited. Cross Camp killed me, I am just exhausted from it. It was hard stuff!!! I am not really excited about the next few weeks and all... makes me sad because school starts and Greg goes off to college and I am going to miss him! Ahhh just makes me sad thinkin about it. But on the plus side these past few weeks have been really good!!! Band camp was ok blah blah, but on Thursday it was the best because Greg came up to visit me and that was sweet. Coming home and getting baptized was pretty sweet!!! It was just a really good feeling to have my family there to watch and everything I enjoyed it a lot. Um I don't have much else to say, I am out to get ready for the night!! Later!!


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