The world of me... sunshine!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

what a craZy day

yeah yesterday was insane. It started out to be just a really bad day and everyone was emotional, and exhausted from everything. We were just a wreck in school... so yes. just ick!

Then track came along. One of the reasons why we were all stressing out. Once our relay was over, things started to go uphill. Everyone did SOOO freaking awesome in their races. Jess got 3rd in her mile, I got 4th and we beat our times by 18 seconds... and we weren't even expected to place! Ha beat that!! Then Neckers got 5th in her 800, and that was awesome! The race of all was the 2 mile, when Leah and Danielle took 1-2... which is just amazing! They are going to state!! So our days all turned out to be excellent. Getting home at midnight is rough, but hey, we did it.

That's all for now



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