The world of me... sunshine!

Monday, May 31, 2004

I love storms

It was a very nice memorial day becuase well it rained so I didn't have to march. I was very happy about that, so I just came home and slept for a long time it felt nice since I was exhausted from my rough week! haha its ok now though.

Saturday night my brother came home which was good. I didn't end up seeing him until sunday though because I was at Greg's house helping him out with his graduation stuff and looking at pictures. It was fun. Sunday I slept in some more becuase I was still super tired and then I worked on some chemistry and went to cession. That was fun also, but then I headed home and had a dinner with the fam. and I miss that. My brother left and I was stuck studying chemistry. Yick. I think I will do ok on my exam though, it is on Wednesday. I was bombarded with phone calls that night about the texas hold 'em... and I wish I knew how to play and I wish I wasn't doing stinkin chem. Then some large looking storms came and I had to go watch them come in by the beach(it is definitly nature in its works and I couldn't pass it up) with Greg... but his mom wouldn't let him go... so we just watched them from his house, and then I went home and did some more chem. That was kinda a bummer because they turned out to be wimpy, and it is always cooler to watch them from the beach, especially the lightning and stuff! I highly recommend going sometime, maybe with me! But anyways, his mom's intentions were probably good I bet... makes sense if a tornado came then there wouldn't be anywhere to go. Hmm!

Now it is Monday I think and I did a whole bunch of homework today. I sat on here doing chemistry, and my euro project, and I even read! The reading was hard though, I ended up falling asleep in the chair. Now I am just plain old tired and I am going to head to bed. Tomorrow I shall feel all refeshed and i'm even thinking about going for a run in the morning.... crazy huh! Well, good night, and peace out!


Blogger Deur said...

This is Vicki Deur. I am trying to get in touch with you to see if you could serve in Surf City for the next two weeks. Feel free to email me at:

I'll try to track down your information, but I thought I'd start here in your blog! :)

June 1, 2004 at 3:26 PM


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