The world of me... sunshine!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Well today just wasn't a very good day!

I guess the beginning of the day wasn't so bad. I got an A on my math test so I am happy about that... but its hard not to think grades are over rated. Greg helped me study a whole lot for my euro test that I took today, and I understood like everything I swear... even when I took the test I understood it... and there were only 4 choices instead of 5. I just found out that I got another D on it... which makes me sad, I just want to mope about it. Then I got out of school early (big plus) and had to go to the dentist. They gave me 3 fillings so now my mouth is numb from the shots. Yeah everyone was laughing at me in track... and it was funny, but now it just hurts so i'm cranky! I am going to go for now... take a nap or something!!


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