The world of me... sunshine!

Friday, May 14, 2004

Cats and Dogs

Well before track, it was raining cats and dogs. Freezing cold too! So I wasn't looking forward to practice at all... there was a whole lot of complaining coming from me running in the rain. Luckily, the rain stopped at the perfect time, so I didn't have to do the hard workout in the pouring rain! Woo woo!

Big minus though... I'm getting a sore throat. I hope I don't get sick, because it is a very big week next week and yes, I can't afford it!! Well I have to work tomorrow morning with my dad at 7, and I think i'm going to be very very tired.

Greggo just asked me to hang out, so I am going to go chizzill with him for something to do. I will assure you that there will be no hurt pie... i'm not going for it. Later!!



Blogger Deur said...

Katie - just checking out "Sunshine!"
Stay cool!
steve deur

May 16, 2004 at 1:51 PM


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