The world of me... sunshine!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Today was such a good day. I mean some things went bad... but wow... I have awesome people in my life! I just need to say that. I uh yeah! Wow... hahaha. I most def. love my friends and Greggo!!! Man they make me way happy. Haha so yeah I love you guys dearly... that is all!

Anyways... I ran real good today finally. I have been waiting to get back to where I usually am, and I finally got there. I am way happy and proud about it.

Umm.... HEY BETHO! hahaha and anneke... Twinker!!!! hahaha that is way funny

I can't wait till friday... I get to hang out with Greg and a lot of people!!! Shall be fun!!!! Yes I love it!

Anyways, I can't write anymore!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Well hmm... school stresses me out. Cross stresses me out. I miss my Greggo a lot and that stresses me out. I don't need to stress on any of this hahaha. I think I just need more sleep and more visits!!! Hahaha. Um well I really don't know what else to say!! Check out this song I wrote about me and Anneke... it is way whack, but way funny!!! See yaa!!

Katie and Anneke were the best of friends
All through their high school days
Both members of the laughing club
Both not active in any plays!

After Practice Katie went off looking for her big white van
Anneke looked all around this school and all she found was a man!
Well it wasn't 2 weeks after she got married that Anneke started gettin bored S
he put on head phones, put in many cd's, and started praying to the Lord.

Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce
she'd let the law take it from there
But that man walked through her room and said
"boy I sure love your hair"

Right away Katie found her big white van and drove over to Anneke's house
She held Anneke's hand and they worked out a plan
and it didn't take them long to decide that the man had to die!

Goodbye Man!
Those black-eyed peas
They tasted all right to me man!
You feelin' weak?
Why don't you lay down and sleep man?
Ain't it dark... Wrapped up in that tarp man?

The cops came by to bring the man in
They searched the house high and low
Then they tipped their hats and said,
"thank you ladies if you hear from him let us know!"

Well the weeks went by and Spring turned to Summer
And Summer faded into Fall
And it turns out he was a missing person who nobody missed at all!!

So the girls bought some land on Lakeshore road by all of the pretty trees
They sell rasberry jam and they worked on a tan
and they don't lose any sleep at night!
'cause the man had to die!!
Goodbye man... We need a break
Let's go out to the lake man
We'll pack a lunch!! And stuff you in the trunk man
Well is that all right? Good!! Let's go for a ride man!!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

ND 28.... U of M 20!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Well Guess what. I got to run my first race today which was exciting! But I have felt like crap ever since I stopped running today... I think that it's because I am out of shape (WAY) or that I had a stressful beginning of a day with something and then cross drama!... and to Anneke and Betho, I kept my mouth shut and i'm so glad I did because its kinda a both wrong doing there!! Anyways, eventhough I was happy about running, I am out of shape... and to tell you the truth i'm sad that Anneke can't be running with me. I just want her to be all better because we really want her!!! So Anneke... I miss you!!! I'm also kinda stressed about the whole Cross Country drama between the captains. There seems to be much tension and I feel like I am the one getting yelled at all the time?? Jeesh!

For right now though i'm happy I am home! I got to sleep and take a long nap in my bed which felt great! Then Greg called me and woke me up hahaha like always... but hey I don't mind it at all!! One of the best things that happened today was that Notre Dame beat Michigan 28-20!!!! I am SO excited about it! My dad really wants me to go to Notre Dame now... he told me to apply and everything which shocked me since it costs like $50 to send in an application which is quite expensive considering the chances of me getting in... eek. OH well!! I am going to try my best! I'm just chizzillin at home for tonight... the first night in a long time. It feels good to just sit and relax... i'm usually hanging out with like other people but not tonight. I am giving myself a rest!! Well have a good week Anneke, Laura, and Ellen since you are the only ones who read this!!

Your Sunshine :)

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Howdy do

Well school has started... I'm not used to it yet. I think I should just skip to college I think I am ready! I have major slacker classes this year which is super! Crafts, Phisiology (FUN!), Band, Ind. reading, AP Calc, and then Gov't! Hahaha but yeah I am pretty sure I am going to Grand Valley next year. They have a really cool campus and I think it is just perfect for me. I am going to be at GVSU quite a lot this year since my Greggo is there... and well... I miss him TONS!!! Like hugely!! Anyways, GVSU has my program that I want to go into.... and supposividely they are good at it! Medicine! WOOie *thumbs up* But Greg told me that I need to apply to Notre Dame becuase it has been my dream to go there like forever... and he said if I get in there that I should go. That would be crazy... we will see!!!

Cross Country is well... it is going! I need to have a positive attitude right now... I do at practice but when I get home I am all pissed about it. Something is wrong with my foot so I haven't been able to run for probably almost 2 weeks now! I got a bone scan and stuff to see if it is a stress fracture yesterday and the results are gonna come in in a few days errr somethin like that. I just wanna run! Me, Anneke, and Betho bike a lot though so we get some quality time in after school... and then me and Anneke get up at like 5:15 ish on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to go aqua jog in the pool before school. It is crazy and hopefully we all can run soon!!

That's about it... I am bored writing for now!
